...Well okay the eldest did, the youngest refuses to eat anything that may originally have been a growing plant. Which is a bit upsetting for me with my passion for allotments. Still - really good Georgian Beans to convince those who are sort of unconvinced about the fabulousness of Broad Beans.One does it thusly:
To dress Beans in Ragoo
You must boil your beans until the skins slip off ( or until you think they are done). Take about a quart, season them with pepper, salt and nutmeg, then flour them, and have some butter ready in a stew pan, throw in your beans, fry them of a fine brown, then drain them from the fat, and lay them in your dish. Have ready a quarter of a pound of butter melted (I didn't use as much, I skimp on the butter and use half fat cream in these recipes because otherwise it's the road to RUIN) and half a pint of blanched beans boiled ( I just took that to mean cooked - boiled) and beat in a mortar ( means squash them with a pestle in a bowl, or mortar if you have one), with a very little pepper, salt and nutmeg;then by degrees mix them in the butter(I added creme fraiche as well), and pour over the other beans. Garnish with a boiled and fried bean and so on until you fill the rim of your dish. They are very good without frying. and only plain butter melted over them. (only partly true, the frying in flour makes them so delicious)
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